July 2022
The Future of Cancer Detection
This issue looks at some promising diagnostic approaches that could make cancer easier to detect and monitor.
Read hereApril 2022
Steering Malaysia Out of The Woods
In this issue, we look at how Malaysia is edging closer to the endemic stage of the pandemic. Declaring COVID-19 endemic would mean the country and the rest of the world would learn to adapt and live with the virus without the need for harsh social and travel restrictions. Anticipating such a decision, Malaysia is already moving into a transitional phase and making efforts to rebuild its healthcare travel industry, an economic sector that was flourishing before the pandemic broke out.
Read hereJanuary 2022
Medical Centres and Aesthetic Clinic in the Asia-Pacific
This issue covers the 2021 Medical Centres and Aesthetic Clinics Awards organised by Global Health Asia-Pacific to recognise the best healthcare professionals and institutions in the Asia-Pacific region.
Read hereNovember 2021
Honouring the Best Healthcare Providers in the Region
The Global Health Asia-Pacific Healthcare and Hospital Awards is back in the game after being called off last year due to the restrictions put in place to contain COVID-19.
Read hereOctober 2021
The New Beginning of Malaysia Healthcare Travel
In another innovative move, the MHTC struck a deal with DoctorOnCall, one of Malaysia’s leading telehealth services platforms, to facilitate patient care online. Despite all these efforts, Mohd Daud believes it will still take time for the health travel industry to rebound to pre-pandemic levels. He’ll be looking, in particular, at several important factors playing a role, such as vaccination rollouts, the lifting of travel restrictions, and the return of tourist confidence in travelling again.
Read hereAugust 2021
The Stealthy Cancer
This issue covers the advancements in oncology over the past several decades that have improved life expectancy for many patients, especially those with breast and colon cancers. One area, however, the treatment of pancreatic cancer, has yet to reap the full benefits.
Read hereJune 2021
The Dark Side of COVID-19
The issue focuses on how COVID-19 can also cause a multi-system inflammatory syndrome in children weeks after exposure to the virus, with fever and organ inflammation as key problems. Though it’s treatable in its early stages, the condition is not always easy to diagnose because it can be mistaken for other fever-causing diseases.
Read hereApril 2021
AI can boost vitro fertilisation
The issue focuses on how artificial intelligence could improve the efficacy of in-vitro fertilisation, the most common fertility treatment.
Read hereFebruary 2021
Medical Centres And Aesthetic Clinics In The Asia-Pacific
The issue focuses on recognition of the best hospitals in the region.
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